Improve the Performance of a Surface Condenser to Improve Efficiency Heat Exchanger - A Review Paper

Mr. Harshit Bhavsar, Akshay kachhiya, Kalpesh dabhi


The Heat Exchanger is a device for transferring heat from one medium to another, typically by cooling it. Condenser is the main part more important for heat transfer rate in heat exchanger. Different types of condenser are used to improve the efficiency of heat exchanger. The research in this project was intended to improve performance and thermal efficiency of the surface condenser by changing the material or by making some improvements in the design of the product. The main objective of our project is to increase performance than that of conventional design. The above picture shows modified form of surface. It’s namely a shell and coil condenser. In practical situations, when power plants or industries are installed there are lots of constraints. This tends to reduce or increase power output and heat rate of thermal power plants and industries. By using physical analysis, we finally come up with this CAD model. The main ability of this project is, that it can make more efficient and improve the performance. That there is problem in the condenser is that it’s performance and efficiency is not reached as they want. In our design model, we try to give our best possible solution. Due to these conditions, the designed power and heat rate are never achieved. Variations in the power outputs from plant are always a matter of disputes. From experimented research paper and conclude that if Coil diameter of Coil as well as material of Coil changes then, may be increase effectiveness of heat exchanger. So the parameters for power and heat price are generated for exceptional situations of condenser strain, float rate of water via the condenser, Temperature difference. On the basis of site dimension and layout information collection overall performance of the heat exchanger unit (effectiveness) may be evaluated.

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