An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Ergonomic Exercise on Ergonomic Health Symptoms among Computer Workers in Selected I.T Company, Coimbatore.
Background: Ergonomic Health Symptoms is Collective term for a range of condition including injury characterized by discomfort and persistent pain in muscle, tendon and soft tissues. Ergonomic Exercises is a group of exercise which includes palming, blinking, near-far focus, scanning, head rolling, hand, shoulder, hand and fingers, back stretch and upper back stretch exercises done at a person’s work stations to get relief from ergonomic health symptoms. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Ergonomic Exercise on Ergonomic Health Symptoms among Computer Workers in Selected I.T Company, Coimbatore. Methods: Quasi experimental pre-test post-test with control group design was adopted. Ergonomic health symptoms tool was used to assess the ergonomic health symptoms of computer workers. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to choose the participants. The samples were assigned into experimental group (30) and control group (30). Ergonomic exercise was taught to experimental group with the help of power point presentation. From the second day onwards the participants of experimental group were allowed to practice these exercise with researcher supervision and instruction under two sessions for a period of 30 days, where each session lasted for 15 minutes. After 30 days of this intervention, post test was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of ergonomic exercise with the help of ergonomic health symptoms tool for both experimental and control group. Result: There was significant reduction in ergonomic health symptoms among experimental group computer workers after ergonomic exercise. Thus, ergonomic exercise can be implemented as an effective therapeutic intervention in reducing the ergonomic health symptoms of computer workers.
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