Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Connecting Rod using Metal Matrix Composites
The main objective of this work is to focus on modelling and analysis of connecting rod by varying material with same geometry. Many works are carried out by using alloys in the analysis of connecting rod such as aluminium, forged steel and titanium. The material for the connecting rod used here is Aluminium Reinforced with Boron Carbide Metal matrix composite. The solid model of connecting rod is created in CATIA V5. The static and dynamic analysis are performed by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software to determine the parameters for connecting rod like von Mises stress, deformation and natural frequency’s. The weight of the connecting rod is to be optimized, i.e., by changing the material. The simulation results are validated with the theoretical results. From the results, it is concluded that weight, stress and deformation of the connecting rod is reduced by 37.123%, 8.40%, and 50.03% by using the composite material. From the analysis compared to the conventional material, Aluminium Reinforced with Boron carbide MMC connecting rod have less weight, stress and deformation. Aluminium Reinforced with Boron Carbide Metal matrix composite material is selected as the most suitable material for connecting rod.
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