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Advancements of 3D Printing Technology in Dentistry: A Review

Kode Jaya Prakash, Dr Balla Srinivasa Prasad, Dr.Arvind UD


Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a method for which a material (such asthe plastic, metal, ceramic, powder, liquid, or even living cells) that is passed through a layer is formed in a layer to produce a deposition of a 3D object, and then a layer is added. This process is also known as additive manufacturing (AM), rapid prototyping (RP). The main advantage of 3D printers are in medical applications, such as teeth, is the custom production of implants that are particularly detached from the teeth. Dental implants are a daunting task for dentists from an accuracy standpoint. Successful implantation requires expertise and experience to achieve cost effectiveness. The combination of 3D printing and digital technology has significantly increased the success rate and transformed workflow and practice into dental implant care standards. This article describes the role of the3D printing in the field of orthodontics.

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