Antimicrobial Activity Analysis of Cefixime with Antacid, Essential Metal and Interaction In Vitro study by Spectrophotometric Method
The present research work describes of interaction and complexion studies of Cefixime with essential metal & antacid and also investigation of antimicrobial activity of Cefixime. Cefixime included the third generation drug of cephalosporin. We know cephalosporin is very active against a wide range of gram positive as well as negative bacteria. In vitro analysis, Cefixime must be interacted with metal like Mg & antacid like CaCO3. At pH 7.4, this study was performed in different ratios of Cefixime with metal and antacid both at room temperature 250C. by this study, it is investigated that drug Cefixime is complexed with metal as well as antacid which is confirmed by job’s plot. This experiment was carried out by using ultra violet spectrophotometer. The microbial sensitivity test is important to know whether there is any change in the effectivity of Cefixime after the interaction with metal and antacid. To observe the sensitivity in the experiment staphylococcus aureus was used. There was a remarkable change in the effectivity of Cefixime and its complexes. This research work confirms that there was interaction between Cefixime with Metals Mg2+ and antacid CaCO3 which was confirmed by Jobs plot method and by antimicrobial investigation. By antimicrobial investigation it was observed that the zone of inhibition of the drug Cefixime with metal Mg2+ and antacid CaCO3 reduced from 14mm to 12mm and 1mm respectively.
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