Assessment Of Quality Of Family Planning Service: In Client Perspective In Metu Karl Referral Hospital, South West Ethiopia
Background: Improving quality of family planning services offers many benefits. Good quality family planning service helps individuals and couples meet their reproductive health needs. Ethiopia is Africa’s second largest Country after Nigeria, with the total population of 99.391.000, Million according to last figure of 2015, and the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS-2016) shows the actual Contraceptive Practice among women of reproductive age group was 36%, as per the Central Statistical Agency office reported on June 2016. Therefore, it is imperative to assess the quality of family planning service.
Objective: The objective of this research was to assess the quality of Family Planning services in terms of client perspectives in Metu Karl Referral Hospital, Illu Aba bor zone, South West Ethiopia.
Methods: Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted from July, 2017 up to August 30, 2017 on 523 clients. Family planning users who came to FP clinic during the study period and who met the inclusion criteria were interviewed using structured questionnaire. The data were entered into EPI data version 3.0. and exported to SPSS version 20 computer software for analysis. Both Biviriate and multiviriate analysis were used.
Result: A total of 523 clients were enrolled to this study making the response rate 98.3 %. The overall level of satisfaction was approximately 78/%. In the multivariable logistic regression analysis, education status [(AOR = 4.31 95% CI (1.78, 10.46)], convenience of clinic opening hour [AOR = 8.76 and 95 % CI (4.10, 18.71)], maintaining privacy during examination and procedure [AOR = 19.24 and 95 %CI (8.87, 41.71)], advise on how to use the method [AOR = 5.84 and 95 % CI (2.91, 11.73)], and being informed on possible side effects [AOR = 5.29, 95 % CI (2.64,10.65) were significantly associated with client satisfaction.
In conclusion, residence, level of education, convenience of clinic opening hours, maintain privacy during examination and procedure, explanation of how to use methods and side effects were independent predictors of satisfaction with family planning service.
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