Are You Ready To Do PAP Test?
Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Medical Editor: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, Ph.D, Medically Reviewed On 11/21/2017
Forward shirish s sheth (2005) essential of a gynecology, 1th edition Sabarathnama arulkumaran sivanesarathnam, alokenduchatterjee, pratap Kumar, 1 edition, published by jaypee brother’s medical publishers (P) ltd, New Delhi, 242-252.
Forward shirish s sheth (2011) essential of a gynecology, editions sabarathnama arulkumaran sivanesarathnam, alokendu chatterjee, pratap kumar, I edition, published by jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) ltd, New Delhi, 412-416.
Kamini Arvin rao (2008), test book of gynecology, 1th edition, published by elsevier, a division of reed elsevier India pvt. Ltd.
Padubidri, ela anand (2005), manual for under graduates, gynecology, first edition, published by Elsevier, a division of reed elsevier, India Pvt limited.
U S. National Library of Medicine, U.S Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health, On 30.08.2018.
Web, MD Medical Reference, Reviewed By Nim Todd, MD on Febraury 13, 2017.
David Mchart, Jane Norman (2000) gynecology illustrated, 5th edition, Churchill Livingstone, an imprint of Harcourt publishers limited, 192.
Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Medical Editor: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, Ph.D, Medically Reviewed On 11/21/2017
Michael Weber, MD, Written by the health line medical review team, March-13, 2017.
U.S Department of Health and Human Services, O W H, Office On Women’s health. Pameala Marcus. Ph.D, Epidemiologist, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population services 2.Paul Doriaros Ph. D, DVM, Epidemiologist, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population Studies, March.14, 2018.
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