A Study to Assess the Relationship Between Spiritual Well-Being and Psychological Well-Being in The Students in Selected Nursing Educational Institutions in Mangalore
'Holism' has become the buzz word of this era. Now in nursing theory, a person is described as a biopsychosocial unit! ‘It is concerned with the inter-relationship of body, mind and spirit in an ever-changing environment”. This concept illuminates the quality person a nurse has to become. As a registered nurse he/she has to provide holistic health care, especially promoting the Psychological well-being (PWB) of the patients, as every illness weakens the mental health (MH) of persons. Stepping into the world of nursing is a challenge to the young novices in many ways. Many studies have proved that the nursing students experience stress and anxiety producing situations during their training period which risk their health, especially their PWB. The aim of this study is to assess the relationship between Spiritual Well-Being (SWB) and PWB in the students in selected nursing educational institutions in Mangalore” A descriptive correlational design was used. The sample consists of 200 1st year nursing students, selected by convenience sampling method. Data were collected by administering Spiritual Well –Being Scale (SWBS) and Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS). The findings of the study revealed that there was a high positive correlation between SWB and PWB r = 0.859* There was an association between PWB and type of nursing course 2value - 9.821*. The result showed SWB as independent variable and predictor to PSW. The study suggests that Spiritual coping strategies could be used to reduce stress and enhance PWB of the nursing students.
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