Assess The Knowledge on Tuberculosis Among People Living in Rural Area
Tuberculosis remains a worldwide public health problem. India is the highest TB burden country with World Health Organization (WHO) statistics for 2011 giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.2 million cases of TB in India out of a global incidence of 9.6 million cases. The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge regarding tuberculosis among the people living in selected rural area Non-experimental descriptive study was chosen to conduct a study with 100 samples at Mathur village. The structured questionnaire was developed to assess the basic knowledge about pulmonary tuberculosis. The questionnaire included demographic data, level of education, source and level of knowledge using 25 multiple choice questions focused on basic facts about pulmonary tuberculosis. The data were analyzed by descriptive and Inferential statistics. The Results: Shows that 65 (65%) had inadequate knowledge, 31 (31%) had Moderate knowledge, 4 (4%) had, an adequate knowledge regarding tuberculosis. P values of less than 0.05 was considered as significant. The overall knowledge towards TB among the general population was measured as low. Conclusion: The study was suggested, It is important to create an awareness among people about tuberculosis by creating an awareness helps in improving their health so they can prevent tuberculosis.
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