Comparison study on two parameters extraction methods for different PV modules
For modelling a photovoltaic module, it is necessary to calculate the basic parameters which control the current-voltage characteristic curves, that is not provided by the manufacturer. A numerical methods are time consuming and require long term chronological data that are not available in most developing countries, an improved mathematical model has been formulated by combining expository and numerical techniques to defeat the confinements of existing strategies. The values of the required input parameters of the model have been calculated analytically. The expression of the output current of the photovoltaic module was determined clearly by the Lambert W function and the voltage was determined numerically by the Newton-Raphson method. This paper displays a relative investigation of parameter estimation strategies dependent on the maker's information sheets for different photovoltaic (PV) module innovations. In this study, two methods of parameter estimation are used: an iterative method and an analytical method based on the Lambert W function. These strategies make it conceivable to ascertain the five obscure parameters under standard test conditions (STC) of two kinds of PV modules utilizing distinctive advancements, multicrystalline innovation and flimsy film.
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