Study of Seismic Performances of RCC Buildings Located in Different Seismic Zones in Bangladesh
The rapid urban growth is causing further deterioration and increasing the vulnerability of human lives, economy and infrastructures. When natural hazard like earthquake will hit this large metropolitan city, it may create catastrophe and the whole country may suffer. One of the major challenges is to reduce the vulnerability caused by earthquake by taking necessary steps. At the same time, it is very much essential to develop an effective earthquake risk management plan, which requires long-term plan of action and involves multidisciplinary contribution. Considering this situation this paper is about the comparison of vulnerability of different seismic zones in Bangladesh. According to BNBC-1993, Bangladesh is divided in three different seismic zones. The behaviors of earthquake forces have been analyzed for both shear wall and without shear wall RCC buildings by ETABS in three different seismic zones. The study shows shear wall buildings performs well than without shear wall buildings in different seismic zones. The base shear, base moment and drifts are higher in zone-3 comparing zone-1 and zone-2.
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