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Comparative study on Traditional Timber Bridges of Bhutan with Timber Bridges of other Nations



This paper has assorted multifarious studies depicting the behaviour of timber bridges to administer a literature review. It focuses on weaknesses of the timber bridges under seismic loading as well as methodologies adopted to overcome them. The behaviour of reinforced joints of timber bridges, the serviceability limits of vibration induced by earthquake loading and the preference of suitable bearings such that the seismic capacity of timber bridges can be bolstered is summarized. Additionally, the authors have studied the effect of dynamic behaviour undergone by the bridges under vehicular loading and its cost efficiency. Moreover, this paper has also included diverse experimental studies that construe the behaviour of existing bridges and the seismic behaviour of timber bridges from past earthquakes. The conclusions of the compiled studied researchers provided the repercussions of time and climate on the load-bearing capacity of the bridges. By regulating a comparative study between the behaviour of the seismically loaded former bridges and existing current bridges, the effects of the earthquakes yet to occur can be marginalized.

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