Stakeholders Relationship on Successful Partnership Housing Projects In Nigeria
Public Private Partnership (PPP) continues to be an innovation in the field of infrastructure and social services investment. The two (2) significant PPP project participants are public agencies and developers. Critical success factors (CSFs) in PPP projects are ascribed to the success or failure of PPP projects. Hence, the purpose of this papert is to find out the level of agreement for PPP housing projects between stakeholders on CSFs. This study used descriptive and exploratory research design. Sixty-three (63) questionnaires were given to PPP housing project participants in Bauchi, Nigeria. With SPSS, forty-two (42) questionnaires were returned and analyzed effectively. For the study, the rank correlation of Spearman was used. The analytical findings show that there is a favorable connection on the CSFs of PPP projects between private developer participants and that of government agencies. It can therefore be concluded that there is consensus on CSFs of PPP projects in Nigeria between stakeholders.
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