Energy and memory efficiency in WSN by star topology

Rupnawar Varsharani S., Sudake Prajakta B., Takmoge Lata B., Yadav Pradip M., Prof.Sirdeshpande S. A.


In the wireless sensor network Star network are most popular network in which central node is act as like hub. The main advantage of the star network is minimizes the failure of all connected node to the central hub it means node can be added or remove easily. A WSN system incorporates a gateway that provides wireless connectivity back to the wired world and distributed nodes. We are proposing a system detection of clone node on the basis of witness node selection Clone create a copy of node including all data. Witness node is nothing but randomly selected node in WSN. The system detect the clone node and send the information about clone node to the user node. Then user node remove that clone node. For that we obtain the node Id information of sensor nodes .If the same node Id is observed by the witness node then witness node find the clone node. To overcome this drawback we propose star topology.Distributing the network into various levels and areas makes replicate node detection more efficient and the high security is gained of witness nodes which are communicate to the memory .We also work on different mobility structure under different network system. We are using random node for witness. We reduce use of space and energy as well as time by finding the shortest path for message passing.

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