Optimization Based Congestion Management using Price based Demand Response Programs
Dominant part of the world's power request at present is met by the warm power producing stations which keep running on routine fossil energizes. Utilities are primarily subject to these sources and they spend immense income to cook for the continually expanding power request. This inspires utilities to time table their era as indicated by load call for inside the most cost-proficient way. In restructured power machine, the transmission congestion management is a challenging difficulty. The main objective is to manage transmission congestion in an effective manner and maintaining the power flow in each line within the limits. The awareness of this paper is on Time of Use (TOU) application that is the commonplace demand response (DR) based totally on charge. The cross - elastic load modeling of TOU is performed for peak, off-peak and low peak hour. The TOU demand response program is implemented for generation and demand re-dispatch in order to relieve congestion and the net fuel cost is evaluated and the results are compared with the normal case. A greater amount of fuel cost can potentially be saved. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique has been used to obtain the desired solution. Load demand shave been increasing at an alarming rate. Therefore, the power systems have been left stressed. This leads to system insecurity and vulnerability. Hence system security plays a major role in generation planning. This paper aims at reducing the stress on transmission lines as well as on generation side. IEEE 14-bus system is used for illustrating, testing and discussing the proposed technique in Matlab software.
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