Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Transmission Loss Minimization Considering Wind Power
In the present day scenario private power producers are increasing rapidly to meet the increase demand of electricity. Under stressed condition, one way to save the system from voltage collapse is to provide reactive power support with shunt FACTS controllers at appropriate locations. Placing FACTS devices is the most effective way for utilities to improve the voltage profile and stability margin of the system.This thesis presents the optimal power flow (OPF), OPF with wind and wind & static var compensator (SVC) in power system using Artificial Bee Colony to minimize the transmission loss. The optimal power flow without wind and with wind & SVC are performed on the different bus system with normal loading using ABC with load flow. The proposed algorithms have been tested on the IEEE-14 bus, 30-bus and Indian 75-bus system. The tested results are compared with the Wind and without wind to show the effectiveness of the SVC using ABC.
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