Cycloconverter Controlled Isolated Wind Turbine Ganerator System With Electrical Double Layer Capacitor
In recent years wind turbines have accepted an alternative for electrical power generation by
coal and nuclear plants. The recent design of wind turbine is an improved form of the
traditional wind mill. In past centuries the original use of wind turbine was in mechanical
applications. In 700 AD Persian windmill, which was used to grind grain and pump water
was the one of the first wind turbines. It has vertical-axis that could turn in one direction only
and if the wind blew in the opposite direction, it would stop completely which resulted in an
extremely low efficiency. Actually this paper is a review of control issues of wind turbine
systems. These control issues like turbine speed estimation, control of breaking chopper,
generator torque control, pitch angle control, dc/dc converter control, wind turbine to grid
converter controlled and described different control issues for operation a complete wind
farm based on (PMSG).
Natalia Angela Orlando, Marco
Liserre, Rosa Anna Mastromauro “A
Survey of Control Issues in PMSGBased
Small Wind-Turbine Systems”
published in IEEE Journals &
Magazines, VOL. 9, NO. 3, August
Nishad Mendis, Kashem M. Muttaqi
and Sarath Perera presented
“Management of Battery-
Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage
and Synchronous Condenser for
Isolated Operation of PMSG Based
Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Generating Systems” published in
IEEE Journals & Magazines, VOL. 5,
NO. 2, March 2014.
Xisheng Tang and Zhiping Qi,
“Economic Analysis of EDLC/Battery
Hybrid Energy Storage” published in
IEEE Conference Publications in
Luminita Barote, Corneliu Marinescu
and Marcian N. Cirstea presented
“Control Structure for Single-Phase
Stand-Alone Wind-Based Energy
Sources” published in IEEE Journals
& Magazines, VOL. 60, NO. 2,
S.M.Muyeen, Rion Takahashi, Toshiaki
Murata, and Junji Tamura presented
“Integration of an Energy Capacitor
System With a Variable-Speed Wind
Generator” published in IEEE
Journals & Magazines, VOL. 24, NO.
, September 2009.
S.M.Muyeen, “Grid Interfacing of a
Small Scale DC-based Wind Farm
using Fuzzy Logic Controlled Inverter
System” published in IEEE Journal
and Magazines, International
Conference on Electrical Machines –
ICEM- XIX, Rome 2010”.
Luminita Barote, Corneliu Marinescu
and Marcian N. Cirstea presented
“Control Structure for Single-Phase
Stand-Alone Wind-Based Energy
Sources” published in IEEE Journals
& Magazines, VOL. 60, NO. 2,
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