A Step by Step Introduction to Space Vector and Space Vector Modulation
Space vector modulation concept is used at various places in drives field.The concept of rotating field in the machine can be explained with the help of space vector. In modern technology like power electronics machine control is done with the help of space vector modulation. A popular machine control like v/f control can be practiced with the help of space vector modulation .The current paper gives us an idea of rotating field obtained with the help of space vector and v/f control with the help of space vector modulation.
Mrs.A.Y.Fadnis and Dr.D.R..Tutakane..”Space Vector and Space Vector Modulation In Electrical Machines ” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research.” Vol.10,No.4,(2015)Pp8877-8885
JosephVithaithyl“Power Electronics and Applications “Wiley International pp588-589
Bin Wu “High –Power Converters and ACdrives”IEEEPress,WileyInterscience
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