Avoidance of Drift due to change in Irradiation in Photovoltaic System with Modified Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm
Efficiency of PV system is depending on maximum power point tracking (MPPT). It will help to extract maximum power from PV system. Perturb and Observe (P&O) maximum power point tracking algorithm is adopted everywhere, due to its simplicity and economic point of view. But in case of rapid change in insolation (G), it suffers from drift in tracking maximum power point (MPP). It is the main demerit of the P&O MPPT algorithm. This may happen due to confusion of whether power get increases due to perturbation or change in insolation(G). The drift effect is severe in case of a rapid increases in irradiations. This technique proposed in this study leads to avoid drift in tracking maximum power point (MPP). SEPIC converter are proposed with direct duty ratio control technique for free from drift in P&O MPPT algorithm. MATLAB/Simulation modeling and analysis of a voltage and power of PV system under rapid change in atmospheric condition with conventional P&O algorithm. Study to drift phenomenon. The comparison between conventional P&O and Modified P&O is shown in simulation and experimental results, which are showing changes
in duty cycle, that the proposed algorithm track maximum power in change in insolation (G).
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