Damping behavior of hybrid composites- A Review
Damping is an important parameter that needs to be considered in design of components made up of composites for use in aerospace, naval, automotive applications subjected to dynamic loads for controlling the vibrations and thereby extending the service life of component. Passive and active vibrations damping are two main approaches used for enhancing the damping effect of structural composites. Though conventional composite material exhibits internal damping, the amount of damping is not sufficient for reducing vibration and noise. There is a need to explore methods of enhancing passive damping in composite materials for use in high speed engineering applications exposed to dynamic loads. Hybridization of composites for improvement in damping along with balanced mechanical properties at optimum cost is relatively a new concept in design of composite structures subjected to dynamic load. By using different combinations of fibers, the stacking sequence, fiber orientations, volume fraction the hybrid composites can be tailored to provide improved damping compared to conventional composites. The purpose of this paper is to present a review on the available literature on damping behavior for Hybrid composite.
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