Effect of Pulsed Current Micro Plasma Arc parameters on weld bead geometry of AISI 316Ti Austenitic Stainless Steel
Micro Plasma Arc Welding (MPAW) is one of the important arc welding system normally using in sheet metal enterprise for production metal bellows, metallic diaphragms and so forth. Inside the present work Pulsed present day Micro Plasma Arc Welding is used for becoming a member of 0.three mm thick Austenitic stainless-steel sheets of AISI 316 Ti. peak contemporary, Base modern, Pulse rate and Pulse Width are taken into consideration as input parameters and weld bead geometry parameters namely front width, lower back width, front peak, lower back peak are taken into consideration as output responses. Response surface approach (RSM) with box-Benhken design is adopted and for 4 factors and three level, total 27 experiments are completed. Weld bead geometry parameters particularly front width, returned width, the front height and lower back top are measured the use of metallurgical microscope. Empirical mathematical models are evolved using statistical software. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is executed at ninety five% self belief degree. Predominant and interplay outcomes are studied. Scatter plots are attracted to apprehend the version of actual and predicted values of weld bead parameters.
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