Effects of strain rate on the material flow of 5083 aluminum alloy during the microforming process
The effects of strain rate on the material flow of 5083 aluminum alloy were investigated numerically during the microforming process. Two kinds of micro-die, V-groove and square groove were modeled using Deform-2D FEM software to investigate the influence of strain rate on the microforming process. The effective strain rate histories during the microforming process of 5083 aluminum alloy was measured to be superplastic or non-superplastic in a specific part of the material, depending on the groove design, groove size, and the nature of punching. It was observed that the effective strain rate of the material inside the V-groove at the middle portion shows a superplastic flow under constant punch load, in contrast the effective strain rate exhibits a non-superplastic flow under constant punch speed. It was also observed that the micro-formability has been affected by high effective strain rate values during the microforming process.
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