Numerical Investigation on Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger with Segmental and Helical Baffles
Modeling of shell and tube heat exchanger is now a widely used technique in industrial fields for designing and performance appraisement. In this paper, the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of a heat exchanger with segmental and helical baffles are presented by numerical analysis. The flow and temperature fields inside the shell and tubes are resolved using ANSYS FLUENT for both heat exchangers with segmental and helical baffles. The velocity profiles, streamlines and surface plots are also set forth in this paper. The simulation is performed in parallel flow pattern with hot water in shell side and cold water in tube side. From the present investigation it can be deduced that helical baffles fill in as a more encouraging alternative due to having less pressure drop in shell side, better heat transfer, less fouling and less liquid augmented vibration. It further manifests that the heat exchanger with helical baffles has a higher heat transfer coefficient to the same pressure drop than that of the heat exchanger with segmental baffles which reduces the pumping cost.
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