Optimization of Cutting Performance Using Vegetable Oil in Drilling of AA 6082 T6 by Minimum Quantity Lubrication
Industries were facing crucial problems on disposal of used lubricants who caused environmental pollution directly as well as indirectly. Also, surface quality was seen at lower rate using flood lubrication. The drilling process generates large energy and most of the energy is converted to heat. The intense heat affects the mechanical properties of the work material and the drill. Conventional coolants are used to control the heat and carry away the chips formed. The major aim of this study is to optimize the machining parameters using mustard oil as a MQL coolant (10ml/h mixing of oil with compressed air) and experiments were carried out with aluminium alloy 6082 T6 which possess high thermal conductivity. Later, Taguchi method was used in small number of experiments to study the parameters, using orthogonal arrays derived from the design of experiments theory. Process parameters were used for this study such as cutting tool (T), feed rate (F) and Speed (N). The performance characteristics were measured, which are surface roughness (S) and kerf angle (Ka). ANOVA is used to find the most influencing factor in drilling. In this study, results include the most contribution factor i.e., cutting tool which contributes 89.3% followed by feed rate of 6.73% and spindle speed 2.10 %. Conformation test has been carried out for improving grey relational analysis by 10.15%. In addition to that surface of chips were examined at machining region under scanning electron microscope (SEM).
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