On High Temperature Materials: Robust LCSP as Solved for AISI 310S Alloy, and Cumulative LFR as Applied to Radiant Heater Tubes
Logistic Creep Strain Prediction (LCSP) is applied to predict creep curves, creep rate curves, and Larson-miller parameter (LMP) master curve. Life Fraction Rule (LFR) is used to obtain and remnant life of industrial pressure vessel tubes. Creep curves are plotted for test temperature of 650°C under applied load 100-200MPa. It matches well with the predictions of MHG equation, Ɵ projection, MG equation and Wilshire equation. As LCSP and LFR involve simple iterations; Microsoft Office EXCEL, WPS Spreadsheet, and Internet online fxsolver, is sufficient. Cumulative LFR is applied to obtain maximum internal hoop stress for various 1.3y periods. Predictions match with that of solid works (Dassault Systems), Pro/Engineer, Autodesk and ANSYS software. Trend of creep and creep rate curves and LMP master curves is as same as that shown by experimental curves and chart plotted for 700, 750 and 800ºC.
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