An Application of Elliptical Trammel For The Purpose of Bottle Shaking
This presented article is an approach towards the use continuous motion of double sliders of crank chain mechanism which is automated by applying AC motor and gear arrangement as a Bottle shaking Machine. This is an elliptical trammel mechanism in which two sliders moves in to two slots, imparting perpendicular motion to each other. A connecting rod is used to connect these two sliders and make the motion constrained. The slotted Lever is mounted part within the mechanism. Two sliders, a crank and a connecting rod are the various components of mechanism and relative motions of these components are described having degree of freedom as a unity. Design of mechanism has been performed on the basis of their dimensions and deformation. Analysis of various components of the mechanism has been carried out. Thus this an elliptical trammel from which the approximate straight motion of sliders is being used for shaking purpose of bottles.
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