Characterization of Stir Cast Al-6063 Alloy Based Hybrid Composite Reinforced With Quarry Dust, Fly Ash and SIC
The investigation of this research work study the potential grains of quarry dust (QD), fly ash (FA) and silicon carbide (Sic) as a reinforcements of this hybrid metal matrix composite. In this al-6063 alloy metal matrix hybrid composite the quantity consist of 4wt%, 6wt%, and 8wt% QD-FA-SIC respectively. The Brinell hardness, tensile nature, and compression of those hybrid composites has explore the results according to ASTM grades. The particle size, grain structural boundaries have been investigate by the help of computerized inverted metallurgical microscope. Influence of quarry dust and fly ash in the hybrid metal matrix composites has the good metallurgical and mechanical properties than unreinforced matrix. For the comparison of these, of reinforced the properties of unreinforced matrix to reinforced hybrid composite was evaluated under dry laboratory conditions.
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