Simulation of finite element model of surface pit on f304 stainless steel
The present study is directed on the FEA simulation of the hemispherical pits of F304 Stainless steel using Abaqus 6.14. The three-dimensional modeling of hemispherical pits was created at different diameters. The applied load was 60%, 75% and 90% of the yield stress of F304 stainless steel. Thus five hemispherical pits were created in the center of the rectangular plate at different depths and diameters. This study exhibited the diameter elongation of pits, von Mises stresses, and Max principal stresses. Furthermore, the reported results herein should be appropriate for the uncertainty of damage and elongations of pits and of degrading the material strength for f304 stainless steel at different applied loads. The sub modeling techniques have been employed to compare the simulated results with analytical results. Consequently, the results of this study suggest the critical regions of maximum stress concentration for various types of pits mainly around the pit surface, including depth and diameters.
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