Multi-Objective Optimization of Hardness and Surface Roughness in Manufacturing of Developed Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite by Stir Casting using Grey Relational Analysis
Light weight material is a key for modern mobility. While metal alloys already have reached their technical limits, carbon fiber and reinforcement of fibers particles based car parts are still not mass producible today. This situation leads to a gap which can be filled by using fibers particles like SiC, Copper, Al2O3, Red Mud, Carbon powder etc. reinforcement alloys to provide high performance alloys for mobility of tomorrow. In the present investigations an attempt has been made for development of Al 6061 metal matrix composite by reinforcement with varying SiC content composite for varying process parameters. The composite is prepared by stir casting process in an electric melting furnace and its use in manufacturing of Dovetail automobile part. The present study is focused on investigations of Hardness and surface roughness of developed Al MMC. Taguchi orthogonal array is set based on levels and parameters selected. The optimization of process parameters has been done using Grey Relational Analysis. In this experiment, SiC wt.%, pouring temperature, stirring time are opted as input parameters, which are most critical parameters for response variables. Grey Relational Grade is found for optimum result of grey relational analysis. Predicted combination is obtained by taking mean of Grey Relational grade. This combination is experimented. The results of experimented combination and initial combination obtained by Grey Relational Analysis method are compared. Validation of experiment is done on the basis of improvement in grey relational grade.
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