A Systematic Approach to Total Knee Replacement Surgery: A Review
The aim of this paper was to study a systematic pathway to achieve more accurate Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery along with computer aided pre-operative procedure. Many people suffering from bone problems and especially from knee joint problems.From all bone joints of human body the knee joint is the largest and most heavily-loaded joint of human body. This paper discusses knee anatomy, motions and various forces in knee and causes of knee pains. To relief from knee joint problems, total knee replacement surgery is one of thesolutions available. The knee implant surgeries have increased tremendously due to increase in its success and invasion of new technologies in implant manufacturing and surgical procedures. This paper focuses on the path to achieve accurate knee surgery, itconsists pre-operative steps such as CT/MRI scanning of knee joint, 3D modeling, finite element analysis (FEA) and manufacturing of knee implant along with biomaterials and its properties.
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