Raspberry-Pi and IoT based Health Monitoring System

Vaibhav Petkar, Vivek Pardeshi, Swapnil Murmurwar, Saurabh Sagar


The observation of the patient wirelessly could be a major improvement within the medical domain. The sensors once integrated into a wireless communication network, helps to remotely collect physiological signals of patient and avoid observation exploitation ancient medical instruments that makes the patient tether. During this paper, the observation of the patient is finished by the doctor endlessly while not really visiting the patient. Here, we tend to square measure exploitation varied sensors to sense the physiological parameters like temperature, vital sign, graphical record and therefore the level of saline. These detected signals square measure transmitted to the Raspberry pi to update the info endlessly via ADC which can convert these analog signals into digital signals. Through transmitter, the info is distributed wirelessly to the monitor screen of the doctor. So, the doctor will visualize the patient’s knowledge simply by sitting in his cabin. Once a important condition happens, the visual indications are going to be sent onto the screen.

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