CIP System for Dairy Industry using PLC and SCADA

Mr Prashant. A. Khade, Prof. Mrs S.S. Patil, Mr M.P. Takale


In few years ago CIP automation system used in dairy industry for cleaning purpose of tanks, pipes dairy equipment etc. but present automation system is design for cleaning purpose of milk tanker. Generally milk tanker is filled with pasteurized milk and this milk is transport form one place to another place durining transporting interior surface of tanker become oily and this oily part is remove by different cleaning method such as hot water process, caustic soda process and cold water process when cleaning operation carried out more litters water is wastage and this wastage water of tanker is provided to drainage or farm so there is very harmful for farm after few years. At that time more energy is required for cleaning operation. This situation are occurs in dairy industry so we have design a new automation system which is more helpful for cleaning process of tanker. This system is easy to operate, economical affordable, save energy and resources.

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