Review on Techniques Used to Enhance the Aqueous Solubility of Poorly Water-Soluble Flavonoids: Quercetin
Background: Quercetin, an important bioflavonoid is been known for its anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, vasodilation, anti-obesity, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-atherosclerotic activities and many more health benefits. But it has the major drawback of poor aqueous solubility that ultimately limits the dissolution process and also responsible for low oral bioavailability. In order to circumvent such problem, various attempts were made by different researchers like co-crystallization, size reduction to micro or nano level, emulsification, solid dispersion, film dispersion, complexation, etc. Thus, the objective of this review is to compile all these attempts made on quercetin, to date so that further research curious scientists can explore novel approaches. Methods: Author has undertaken a structured search of bibliographic databases to retrieve the attempts which had been made to date by various groups of researchers and to study their results pertaining to aqueous solubility of quercetin. Results: Twenty-five papers were included in the review which consisted of various ways of solubility enhancement for quercetin. Among these papers, the author has found that 9 times solid dispersion, 4 times each for co-crystals and nano-particles, 2 times each for micro-particles, inclusion complex and nano-suspension and single time each for self-emulsifying drug delivery system and matrix tablet, were prepared and evaluated. Conclusion: The findings of this review have shown that till date researchers have done too much research work for increasing the aqueous solubility quercetin considering its usefulness in the field of medical science. However, there are still a certain area of approach is untouched and can be explored in future for the same.
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