Amoxicillin with Antacid, Metal Interaction and Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity, In Vitro Demonstration
The research work comprises of interaction and antimicrobial studies of Amoxicillin with essential metal and antacid and investigation of antimicrobial activity of Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is included among the Penicillin drug class which is active against a wide range of gram positive and negative bacteria. Since the presence of compelling ligand may affect the bioavailability of a metal in the blood or tissues, therefore in order to study the probable interaction of Amoxicillin with essential and trace elements present in the body. Amoxicillin has been interacted with metal, Zn (zinc) and antacid, Mg (OH)₂ in vitro. All the reaction conditions were simulated to natural environment. Also, the antimicrobial activity of the drug and the complexes were determined. There is an effect of PH on drug metal complexation. It has observed that Amoxicillin interacts with metal on a pH 7.4, the stability constant of these complexes were determined in order to evaluate their possible in vivo implications. In order to investigate the number of metal ions involved in the complexion with Amoxicillin complexes were elucidated by exploiting various spectrophotometric methods. The ultraviolet studies of these complexes were carried out and compared. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing of Amoxicillin against Staphylococcus aureus after interacting with metal, ZnSO4.7H2O and antacid, Mg(OH)2 solution were found zone of inhibition 13mm and 10mm respectively from standard disk 14mm.
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