Complimentary Care: Opportunity to Explore Non-Drug Pain Management
Aristotle (4th century B.C.), he said pain as emotion, being the opposite of pleasure. But Buddha says “Pain is the outcome of sin”, as proof that an independently was possessed by demons. In some religions it is the cost of attachment. Medical management thus may be less of a preference than Spiritual counseling. Many non-physiologic factors (psychological, familial and societal attitudes, life stressors, and cultural or spiritual) contributing to the experience of and response to pain. Emotional stress, like, anxiety and depression known a key play in understanding of pain. Endless hurt is related with expanded dimensions of burdensome side effects, anxiety, and insomnia paying little heed to disability status. It has both modifiable factors (mental health, co-morbidities, smoking, alcohol, obesity, physical activity/exercise, sleep, nutrition, economic status and occupational) and non-modifiable factors (age, sex, cultural and socioeconomic background, history of trauma/ injury/ interpersonal violence, heritage). Chronic pain affects 20% of the European population and is commoner in women, older people, and with relative deprivation.
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