Demonstration of Antimicrobial Activity of Azithromycin with Antacids, Metal and Investigation of In-vitro Interaction and Complexation
This research work comprises of interaction studies of Azithromycin with different essential metals and investigation of antimicrobial activity of Azithromycin both with and without interactions. Azithromycin is anew macrolide antibiotic with a better activity against intracellular gram negative bacteria comparison with Erythromycin. Macrolides are one of the most commonly used families of antibiotics. Since the presence of complexation may affect the bioavailability of the drugs and other essential elements, therefore in order to study the probable interaction of Azithromycin with essential and trace elements present in the body. Azithromycin has been interacted with metal Zn, antacids CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 in vitro. All the reaction conditions were simulated to natural environments. Also, the antimicrobial activity of drug and the complexes were determined. The studies were carried out in buffer at pH 7.4 in variable ratios of drug and metal both at room temperature conditions. In this study, it is observed that almost all the portion of antibiotic is complexed with antacid metal. It has also been observed that Azithromycin interacts with metal at pH 7.4. In order to investigate the numbers of metal ions involved in the complexation with Azithromycin complexes were elucidated by exploiting various spectrophotometric methods. The UV-spectrophotometric studies of these complexes were carried out and compared.By antimicrobial investigation it was observed that the zone of inhibition of the drug Azithromycin with Mg Zn and Ca reduced from 14mm to 9mm, 8mm and 4mm respectively.
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