Spermicidal Activity of Various Natural Compounds
Spermicides are agents that immobilize or kill the spermatozoa in the vagina and exert their contraceptive effect. However, recent clinical trials have shown that detergent spermicides do not provide any protection against sexual transmitted diseases and auto immune disorders but may in fact even promote their transmission. Currently, there were various types of contraceptives developed having dissimilar mechanism of action. These contraceptives are prepared from natural as well as synthetic sources. These contraceptives act by avoiding the fusion of sperm into ovum, alteration in female hormonal levels and spermicidal activity. Many compounds with different pharmacological activity have been evaluated in vitro for their spermicidal activity of natural agents such as gossypol, curcumin, Azadirachta indica, been demonstrated to possess good spermicidal activity. But there is still a need to develop alternative compounds for future use as safe spermicidal agent.
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