Analysis of MIMO performance for 5G
MIMO stands for Multiple input multiple output, is considered as onevof thevpillar’s for the cellular communication networks. InvMIMOvtechnology, multiplevantennasvarevplaced atvboth transmittervandvreceiver. The primary goal of thevMIMO isvto enhance thevcapacity, coveragevand throughputvof the wireless communicationvsystems. MIMO alsovcontrols thevoverall antenna patternvforvinterferencevreduction. For its abilityvto deliverva largervspectral efficiency, MIMOvis consideredvas keyvtechnology for cellularvnetworks. Constructingvantenna arraysvat bothvtransmitter andvreceivervside will also improvesvthevdirectivity, therebyvthevlongvdistance communicationbis possible. Inbthisbwork, 2x2, 4x4bandb8x8 MIMObconfigurationsbwas implemented. Simulationscareccarriedcout usingbKeysights’s SYSTEMVUE whichbis system level designingbtool. Precodingbis donebusingbMATLAB. Qualitybof service (QoS) parameterbsuch asbBitberror rate (BER)bisbanalyzed forbeachbcases.
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