Design Aspects of Boost Converter for Telecommunication Systems: A Review
This paper highlights the significance of interleaved support converter for Telecommunication Systems. The outline parts of interleaved support converter with zerovoltage exchanging (ZVS) and zero-current exchanging (ZCS) is examined in subtle element. The study incorporates the depiction of switch mode power supply, DC-DC Converter alongside the attributes of power MOSFET switches and delicate exchanging standard. The determination of inductor, yield capacitor, and freewheeling diodes, also, principle switches, number of stages and decision of obligation proportion for the proposed IBC in telecom division is explored. Hypothetical examination is done to accentuate the criticalness of IBC as an appropriate force converter for telecom frameworks.
Keywords: Interleaved boost converter, DC-DC converter, soft switching, zero-voltage switching (ZVS), zero-current switching (ZCS)
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