Analytical Investigation of Total Heat Transfer Rate and Effectiveness of Straight (Plate) Fin Compact Heat Exchanger using Nano-fluid coolants

Amit Pahare, Akhilesh Khede, Jitendra Jayant, Kamal Kant Vashistha


Compact heat exchangers are widely used in various applications in thermal fluid systems.
The traditional approach of increasing the total heat transfer rate by using fins & micro
channel has already reached to their limit. Hence there is a need for new & innovative heat
transfer fluids for improving heat transfer called nano-fluid. This work presents a detailed
numerical investigation on compact heat exchanger by using different nano-particles in base
fluid 90% water-10% EG as a coolant for straight fin geometry. For the numerical
investigation computer codes are developed in MATLAB language.
A theoretical analysis is presented to investigate the thermal performance of a compact heat
exchanger by using SiO2,TiO2&ZnOnano particles in mixture of 90% water & 10% EG.
Different correlations are used based on the experimental work on the same group of nano

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