Multi-Communication System for Physically Disabled PeopleUsing Raspberry Pi

Chandrakant B.Ingole, P. R. Thorat, S.S. Gadekar, S.P. Kharde


Today to lead our life we needed to keep running with our quick materialistic world. We express our considerations, by speaking with various individuals in various languages and in various ways Therefore there effectively. In any case, it is troublesome for physically incapacitated individuals, for example, for example, dump, hard of hearing, visually impaired and deadened to express their considerations and thoughts. Is a need to develop such a concrete solution for physically disabled people which will results as a better communication media for them. The designed system resolves the said problems. (1) Dump people can express their thoughts by pressing keyboard buttons (2) When blind/deaf person speaks, Raspberry pi based device converts it into text and displays on screen. (3) The paralyzed people by wearing flex sensor glove can express their thoughts through feasible figure movement. All these activities are possible with a unique embedded system using raspberry pi and disabled people can lead their life peacefully and independently through smooth communication of their ideas and thoughts with their family members, friends and society.

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