Fingerprint matching Using Minutiae Extraction Techniques
This paper subjects to a unique fingerprint matching algorithm based on minutiae extraction technique. This is a well known fact that the fingerprint matching devices available till now are not so efficient due the lack of readability of fingerprints by the hardware module. The presented model is an efficient attempt to increase the readability of fingerprint by using feature extraction technique. Minutiae extraction is the core of this research work which leads to a reliable matching algorithm. As, minutiae are the points which are not affected by the dust or foreign material on the fingertip and on account of that that they are also known as level 2 features of a fingerprint. Hence the presented research work is a level 2 feature extraction based algorithm which promises to be more reliable in terms of viability of results. Moreover the concept of ROI is used in order to reduce the chances of false interpretation unlike the other AFRS available in the market. The prepared system is also tested for its accuracy and fidelity on various types of fingerprint.
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Feature Transformation – MATLAB & Simulink at
Fingerprint Matching : A simple approach
Fingerprint Minutiae extraction
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