Digital Learning Techniques-Recent Trends:A perspective from classroom teaching and learning
Technology tools for collaboration, communication, social networking, and user-generated content have transformed the traditional ways of learning. When applied efficiently, technology enables teachers and students to participate actively, produce and co-create information through the use of digital learning tools. They can help students innovate and learn strategies that combine in-person with virtual learning experiences. The use of digital technologies in the class room encourage active knowledge, comprehension construction, analysis, and exploration on the part of the learners, and which allow for remote communication as well as data division to take place between teachers and/or learners in different physical classroom.
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Personal Learning Environment (PLE) theme, JISC-CETIS Conference 2005, www.eframework.org/events/conference/programme/ple, 2005.
Sandra Dutra Piovesan, Liliana Maria Passerino and Adriana Soares Pereira, Virtual reality as a tool in the education, IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2012).
Christine Youngblut, Educational Uses of Virtual Reality, Institute for Defense Analyses, January 1998.
Jill P.Brown, Complexities of digital technology use and the teaching and learning of function, Computers & Education, Volume 87, September 2015, pp 112-122.
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