Induction Motor Speed Control by varying duty cycle of TRIAC
In this paper, Induction motor speed has been controlled by using duty cycle of TRIAC with less cost. The characteristicof the 1Φ and 3Φ induction motor is same. Here, we are using1Φ induction motor though it is not self-started because the 1Φ supply is easily available. Here in this paper, by varying the duty cycle of the TRIAC, I.M Is being controlled.The torque of Induction motor is proportional to square of the voltage. Voltage is being used as the controlling parameter. Raspberry Pi is as a microcontroller development board which is like the replacement of laptop. The induction motor voltage of stator terminals is being controlled by triac and gate pulsesWe can apply reduce voltage to the induction motor stator terminals by slightly delaying the gate pulses. As torque decrease, simultaneously speed of the motor gets reduced. The language used is Python. It also uses LINUX.
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