Solar Based Hydroponics Cultivation
The main aim of the project is to grow a plant without a soil by using solar supply. It uses the 90% of water efficiently. As compared to soil cultivation, the production increases by 3 to 10 times. Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrients solution in water solvents usually an inorganic substrate with rock wool to be the most common worldwide. Agriculture in the growing countries faces some serious challenges in the coming decades that include: competition for water, energy resources, rising costs,
increased world population, competition for international markets, changes in climate,environmental impact and uncertainties in the effectiveness of the current European policies as regards adaptation strategies. Controlled environments become an important tool in agriculture production and study chains. Hydroponics is a promising technology and becomes very popular in the area of agriculture, specifically in urban farming. Hydroponic systems have found a rapid development and widespread use in recent years. In hydroponics
cultivation, the recording of several parameters helps cultivators to develop optimal conditions for the growth of plants. In this paper, we present a low-cost, high-reliability prototype for real-time measurements in hydroponics cultivation.
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