Patient Handelling System & Switching Module with Lower Cost
In this paper, we will see, that project is a working model which incorporates sensors to measure parameters like body temperature, heart beat rate, respiratory rate and ECG;. A micro-controller board will be used for analyzing the inputs from the patient and any abnormality felt by the patient causes the monitoring system to give an alarm. Also all the process parameters within an interval selectable by the user are recorded online. This is very useful for future analysis and review of patient’s health condition. For more versatile medical applications, this project can be improvised, by incorporating blood pressure monitoring systems, dental sensors and annunciation systems, thereby making it useful in daily life as a very efficient and dedicated patient care system
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Available at: www.ti.com/product/LM35.
Available at: www.electronics-tutorials.ws/opamp/opamp_1.html.
Available at: www.radio-electronics.com/op_amp_inverting.php
Available at: www.webpedia.com/TERM/L/LCD.html.
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