A network district heating device (the scale-up method)
A scale-up method proposed by using Hoyt was used to evaluate the drift resistance of running fluid in a district heating gadget(DHS) after a surfactant drag reducer, CTAC/NaSal, changed into brought. The measured drag discount statistics of one hundred ppm surfactant answer obtained from an 18.5 mm diameter pipe inside the laboratory were used for the assessment. The effects show that the reduction of the pressure drop in the machine reaches 23.28% by means of the addition of surfactants, indicating a superb energy saving effect and utility prospective. Comparing with the effect of 100 ppm answer, it's far observed that the drag discount will no longer be further stepped forward obviously within the gadget with increasing concentration. It became also found that the nearby strain drop takes a big share within the overall strain drop of the DHS, which couldn't be reduced by using adding the surfactants.
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