Experimental Investigation of Glass Fiber with Iron Mesh Composite Material
Low density, high strength, high stiffness to weight ratio excellent durability and design flexibility of composites are the primary reasons for their use in many structural components. Advanced glass fiber with iron mesh reinforced composites has been the materials of choice in the construction of structural components. Composite are widely used in aerospace, automobile and marine industries. The focus of this project is to find out the performance of glass fiber with iron mesh reinforced composites and their energy absorbing behaviors. Experiments have been conducted in load and deformation test. The results obtained from experiments are compared with numerical results. A close correlation could be established between the numerical and experimental observations which pave way to minimize the number of experiments required for the design of thin walled structures. The macroscopic fiber fracture inter laminar shear, load deformation curve and the energy absorption of glass fiber with iron mesh reinforced composites is being studied. During the tensile, compression, impact load, the maximum strain, stress and displacement values were obtained and, then this experimental result was compared with the other materials results and then results were calculated.
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