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Materials, Methods and Techniques in Textiles for the Development of Space Suits

Dr. Nemailal Tarafder


A space suit is a special type of suit worn by an astronaut during an expedition on the space. In order to keep the astronauts alive in the critical conditions of the outer space, these are worn by them. As the environment on the space is extreme from all corners, therefore it is designed to suit the astronauts as they avail the same in Earth’s conditions. Any space suit is composed of many layers materials starting from three to fourteen in number. Each layer has its own function for the survival of the astronauts on the space. The First NASA space suits were silver in colour because scientist thought that it would reflect the burning hot sun rays. In Technical Textiles, Aerospace Textiles are an area which covers finished products engineered by textile materials. Among the other special garments made for the astronauts, G-suits are very common. The modified advanced crew suit at NASA contains all necessary functional elements to support life and enable the space walk. Notional Key Performance Parameters (KPPS) are to identify the major areas where improvement is necessary over the current systems.

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