Phase Shift Controlled PWM Technique for Interleaved remote Boost Converter Based on Semiactive Quadrupler Rectifier for High Step up Applications
Semiactive quadrupler rectifiers (SAQRs) are proposed on this paper to serve as the secondary rectification circuits, which make the secondary facet voltages to be controllable and assist reduce current stress and conduction losses. An interleaved isolated raise converter is developed based totally at the proposed SAQRs. By way of utilizing the heart beat width modulation (PWM) plus section shift (PPS) control strategy, the number one and secondary facet voltages are well matched to lessen the cutting edge values and circulating conduction losses. With the proposed SAQRs, the volt age gain is extended and the voltage load on electricity devices and passive additives used in rectification circuits are decreased to the half of the excessive output voltage. consequently, the performance is progressed by the use of a transformer with a smaller turns ratio and reduced parasitic parameters, and by using low voltage score gadgets with better switching and conduction performance. With optimal design, decrease voltage, and present day stresses on the primary side switches, minimized input present day ripple may be found out. Moreover, the zero voltage switches on switching of the lively switches and the zero modern turn off switching of the diodes can be performed over a wide load and voltage range by way of the proposed SAQR based converter and the control method. In the meantime, the better voltage advantage, the lower voltage, and the current stresses on electricity devices may be obtained with the proposed SAQR based totally converter compared with passive quadrupler rectifier primarily based converter. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed SAQRs and the derived converter are established by a 380 V output prototype.
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